The Disk Veiling Effect of the Black Hole Low-mass X-Ray Binary A0620-00*

Published in ApJ, 2022

Recommended citation: Zheng, W. M., Wu, Q., Wu, J., Wang, S., Sun, M., Guo, J., ... & Reynolds, M. T. (2022). The Disk Veiling Effect of the Black Hole Low-mass X-Ray Binary A0620-00. The Astrophysical Journal, 925(1), 83.

Here in this work, we carry out a strictly simultaneous spectroscopic and photometric campaign on the prototype of black hole low-mass X-ray binary A0620-00. We find that for each observation epoch, the extra optical flux beyond a pure ellipsoidal modulation is positively correlated with the fraction of veiling emission, indicating the accretion disk contributes most of the nonellipsoidal variations. Meanwhile, we also obtain a K2V spectral classification of the companion, as well as the measurements of the companion’s rotational velocity $v\sin i = 83.9\pm 1.9$ km s$^{-1}$ and the mass ratio between the companion and the black hole $q = 0.063 ± 0.004$.

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Recommended citation: Zheng, W. M., Wu, Q., Wu, J., Wang, S., Sun, M., Guo, J., … & Reynolds, M. T. (2022). The Disk Veiling Effect of the Black Hole Low-mass X-Ray Binary A0620-00. The Astrophysical Journal, 925(1), 83.